7+ ways to heal calluses at home

Wearing sandals and flip-flops during the summer means you will get calluses. Ill-fitting shoes rub the same area repeatedly and eventually create calluses.
Once a callus forms, additional layers can be added, making it painful. Removing calluses is the only way to keep your feet looking good. Below are some ways to treat calluses.

1. Hot water. The first line of defense, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, is to soak your feet in warm water to soften calluses. Let it soak for 5 to 10 minutes before attempting to remove the calluses. You can use a file or sandpaper specifically designed to remove calluses after soaking.

2. Apple cider vinegar. If warm water isn’t enough to soften your skin, Healthline says you can add apple cider vinegar to the solution. Make 4 parts water to 1 part vinegar. The vinegar acts as an additional softening agent.

3. Baking soda. Baking soda paste can be used to massage calluses. HowStuffWorks recommends adding enough water to the baking soda to form a paste.

4. Castor oil. Healthline combines emollient and moisturizing in one step by adding castor oil to water before soaking. Add 5 tablespoons of castor oil to warm water.

5. Pumice stone. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a pumice stone to remove calluses. Use it after soaking your corns to soften them first. The academy also recommends wetting the stone with warm water before using it. Rub in circular motions.

6. Lemon juice. By combining lemon juice with aspirin, HowStuffWorks says you get the benefit of the acid, which softens calluses. Crush five or six aspirin tablets and add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the paste to your calluses and wrap it in a plastic bag. Wait 10 minutes before using a pumice stone to scrape away calluses.

7. Moisturizing. To prevent and treat calluses, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends moisturizing the area. Use a moisturizer containing salicylic acid, urea, or ammonium lactate for best results.

8. Pillow. According to Reader’s Digest for Best Health, once the calluses are removed, you will need to use a filler on the area where the calluses formed to prevent them from returning. Wear cushioned socks and shoes that have adequate cushioning and fit well.

9. Vinegar. If you don’t want to get your feet wet, HowStuffWorks says you can soak a cotton ball in vinegar and stick it on your calluses. Leave it overnight until it works its magic.

Say goodbye to your calluses. These treatments can help you get rid of it quickly and keep it at bay.