7+ simple home remedies that help with cleaning arteries

Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body. When arteries are healthy, they are smooth inside and blood flows easily through them, according to WebMD. However, sometimes we build up plaque on the inner walls of our arteries, blocking them and preventing blood flow.
Blocked arteries are very dangerous; They increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, which can be fatal. It’s not just older people who are at risk of developing compromised arteries. With bad habits such as poor diet, smoking and lack of exercise, we are all at risk. It is important to keep an eye on the health of your arteries, regardless of your age. Fortunately, there are some natural ways to keep your arteries healthy and we’ve listed eight of them below.

1.Make changes to your lifestyle
This is obvious but absolutely essential, according to WebMD. Quit smoking, exercise regularly, and monitor your weight. Try to monitor your stress levels as well; Stress is a common factor in heart disease. Make sure your doctor does this, but you will need to get up to 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week.

2. Choose healthy fats
People have long believed that all fats are bad for heart health, but that is not the case, according to Medical News Today and many other studies that have debunked this myth. Natural Living Ideas explains that omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, and particularly cod liver oil, are beneficial for heart health. Other healthy oils and fats include avocado, olive, almonds, and flaxseed. Coconut oil, which is a saturated fat, is also rich in lauric acid and this helps lubricate the arteries.

3. Drink pomegranate juice
WebMD cites a large study showing that pomegranate juice can help keep arteries healthy. It reduces damage to blood vessels, thus preventing atherosclerosis and, because it is very rich in antioxidants, it is believed to reverse the development of heart disease.

4. Take vitamins
Natural Living Ideas explains the relationship between vitamins B6, B12 and C and heart health. These vitamins keep arteries flexible and help prevent plaque buildup and blood clots. Safe supplements are widely available, but these vitamins can also be obtained from our foods. B complex vitamins are found in meat, fish, dairy products, grains and a wide range of vegetables, while vitamin C can be easily obtained by eating acidic fruits and vegetables such as broccoli and red peppers.

5. Eat more garlic
We already know that garlic is a superfood and, according to Paso a la Salud, it is also the best way to promote the natural cleansing of the arteries. It is a powerful antioxidant and fights free radicals in the body by reducing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. Garlic improves blood flow and combats hypertension. Try eating it ground and raw for maximum benefit.

6. Try turmeric
Turmeric is quickly taking off as the new health supplement. The top 10 home remedies explain that turmeric contains curcumin, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help prevent the formation of blood clots. Turmeric also lowers bad cholesterol to reduce buildup in the arteries and relax blood vessels. You can add turmeric to your food, take turmeric capsules, or make your own turmeric milk.

7. Replace coffee with ginger tea.
Ginger is another effective remedy for clogged arteries, according to the Top 10 Home Remedies, because it prevents and reduces plaque buildup by lowering cholesterol. You can eat raw ginger or add freshly grated ginger to hot water for a healthy tea. Keep in mind that ginger can be very spicy and strong in flavor, so you should not continue eating it if it is causing digestive problems.

8. Refrain from smoking
According to the Mayo Clinic, quitting smoking can improve your HDL cholesterol level (the good level). Blood circulation, heart rate, and blood pressure are known to improve after quitting smoking, and the effects are more pronounced the longer you quit smoking permanently.

9. Refrain from excessive alcohol consumption
Drink only in moderation. The Mayo Clinic recommends up to one drink per day for women of all ages and men over 65, and two drinks per day for men under 65.