5+ signs that are a warning indicating that arteries are clogged

With the accumulation of plaque within arteries, there occurs a gradual constriction in the flow of blood. If this progression remains unaddressed, it may culminate in severe outcomes such as stroke or heart attack. According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a concerning observation reveals that numerous individuals develop arterial blockages as early as their twenties.

While high cholesterol and consumption of foods rich in saturated fats contribute significantly to arterial congestion, they represent only a portion of the issue. Sedentary habits and unhealthy lifestyle choices also play a pivotal role in the development of clogged arteries, compounded by genetic predispositions. It is imperative to recognize certain indicative signs that may signal arterial blockages.

1. Leg pain
When experiencing leg pain or noticeable fatigue during walking, the Cleveland Clinic suggests considering the possibility of clogged arteries as a potential cause.

2. Shortness of breath
When the arteries supplying the coronary arteries become obstructed, WebMD highlights that individuals may experience shortness of breath during physical activity or exertion.

3. Severe headaches
According to NIH MedlinePlus, the onset of severe and unexplained headaches may serve as a potential indicator of clogged arteries.

4. Erectile dysfunction
Unexpectedly, erectile dysfunction may serve as a significant indication, as suggested by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. This condition arises due to the interruption of blood flow to the penis, caused by arterial blockages in the legs.

5. Cold feet
When a clogged artery affects the lower extremities, WebMD advises that individuals may observe unusually cold feet compared to their usual temperature.

6. Lower back pain
Chronic lower back pain frequently serves as an early warning sign of clogged arteries, as noted by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

7. Lack of balance
When the carotid artery is affected by blockage, NIH MedlinePlus indicates that individuals may experience symptoms such as dizziness and impaired balance.

8. Jaw tightness
The symptoms of arterial blockages can manifest differently in women compared to men. Everyday Health highlights that women may perceive a sensation of tightness in the jaw as a potential indicator.

9. Fatigue
Everyday Health further emphasizes that women should be attentive to unexplained fatigue as another notable warning sign of potential arterial issues.

By recognizing and heeding these warning signs, individuals may have the opportunity to take proactive measures to prevent strokes or heart attacks. If any of these symptoms are observed, it is advisable to promptly schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and necessary medical attention.