frilcon frilcon Thu, 07 Mar 2024 14:26:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 12 magnesium-rich foods you should know about Mon, 12 Feb 2024 20:55:27 +0000 How frequently do you ponder the vitamins and minerals you’re ingesting throughout the day? For many, a detailed consideration of their nutritional intake is an afterthought, leading to potential deficiencies. Magnesium, a vital mineral, plays a crucial role in maintaining normal heart rhythms, muscle tone, and a healthy immune system. Getting the recommended daily intake (RDI) is really quite easy if you know the right foods. For women younger than 31, the RDI is 310 mg, and 31 and older it’s 320 mg. Men’s RDI is slightly higher with the younger than 31 crowd at 400 mg and 31 and older at 420 mg. Check out the 12 magnesium-rich foods below and see how you’re doing.

Cooked spinach
To get a great jump on the day, the Mayo Clinic recommends 1 cup of cooked spinach, which contains 150 to 160 mg of magnesium. For recipe ideas, be sure to check out these top low carb spinach recipes.

Sunflower seeds
If being like Popeye is just not for you, dry sunflower seeds aren’t a bad place to go instead.One-fourth cup of seeds will yield 128 mg of magnesium.

Black beans
One cup of cooked black beans yields 120 mg of magnesium. Other legumes are also rich in magnesium, but black beans seem to be the highest. If you are looking to incorporate black beans in your diet, try this vegan black bean and caramelized onion burger recipe.

For 105 mg of magnesium, eat one-fourth cup of dry almonds.

Sesame seeds
Although the phrase “Open sesame” may open doors to hidden treasure, the seeds themselves are a treasure in and of themselves. One ounce of sesame seeds yields 101 mg of magnesium.

Many nuts contain high amounts of magnesium, and cashews are right up there at the top. One ounce of cashews will net 82 mg of magnesium. They also make a great snack between meals.

A great way to start the morning off is with a bowl of oatmeal. One cup of cooked oatmeal contains 57.6 mg of magnesium – not too shabby.

For those who don’t mind this white soybean curd, you can get 53 mg of magnesium from a 3.5 ounce serving. For tofu recipe ideas, check out these top vegetarian tofu recipes. Of course, if you are a meat lover, you can easily make any of the recipes with meat!

Peanut butter
Great for sandwiches, with chocolate, or eaten by the spoonful, peanut butter has 50 mg of magnesium in a 2-tablespoon serving. For recipe ideas, be sure to check out these low carb recipes with peanut butter.

One medium banana yields 33 mg of magnesium. You can make a peanut butter banana sandwich and get the benefits of both that way, or simply slather some peanut butter on the banana for a lower-carb treat.

Regular milk
Often, people stop drinking mild once they become adults. Milk isn’t just for kids. One cup of milk contains 32.8 mg of magnesium, an easy way to get this important mineral.

Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is great for a number of things. Its value in antioxidants and prebiotics (important for helping probiotics survive). Dark chocolate is also a rich source of magnesium. It contains 64 mg in a 1-ounce serving. Feel free to eat dark chocolate with a guilt-free conscience.

Magnesium is such an important mineral to the body’s health. Don’t skimp on it. Eat in a healthy manner. By being mindful of the foods above, you can easily track how much you’re getting. Eat healthy, and keep your body happy!

11 foods to avoid when combating heartburn or acid reflux Thu, 08 Feb 2024 14:17:46 +0000 If you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn, you know how miserable it can feel. The resulting discomfort may prevent you from enjoying certain foods. According to WebMD, acid reflux triggers can be the time you eat and the amount of food you eat, among other things.
If heartburn and acid reflux are your enemies, controlling your diet can help you find relief. Here are 11 foods to avoid if you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn.

1. Citrus fruits. The Mayo Clinic notes that citrus fruits are very acidic and add acid to the stomach. If you already have problems, you should avoid taking it on an empty stomach, says WebMD.

2. Caffeine. All caffeinated beverages should be consumed in moderation. Healthline includes these items on the list of items to reduce when suffering from heartburn problems.

3.chocolate. Chocolate contains caffeine in addition to being an acid generator itself. It also relaxes the muscles in the lower part of the esophagus. “Package all your chocolate and give it to your gastroenterologist to keep if you have heartburn,” says WebMD’s Dr. Chutkan.

4. Tomatoes. Tomatoes are another acidic food, so the Mayo Clinic recommends limiting their consumption.

5. Soft drinks. WebMD and Healthline list soda as something to avoid when you’re bothered by heartburn or acid reflux.

6. Spicy foods. Bell peppers, Mexican food, chili peppers: Anything spicy can cause stomach acid, so WebMD recommends limiting your intake of these foods.

7. Mint. Peppermint tea is thought to be good for stomach pain, but mints and sweets after a large meal can worsen the acid problem. The Mayo Clinic recommends avoiding these things if you have acid reflux.

8. Alcohol. According to Healthline, alcohol can relax the muscles in the lower esophagus, so it is recommended to avoid it completely.

9. Fatty foods. You should avoid cheese, nuts, fatty meats, and other high-fat foods, according to Healthline and WebMD. If you want to eat it, try to avoid eating large amounts at the end of the day and before bed.

10. Fried foods. In addition to being bad for your arteries and heart, Healthline says anything fried is a “no-go” zone for heartburn and acid reflux sufferers.

11. Garlic and onion. While they may not affect everyone who suffers from heartburn, they can be a problem for some. If so, WebMD recommends eliminating them from your diet.

Just because you suffer from heartburn or acid reflux doesn’t mean life has to end. You can still enjoy life and food if you learn to control your diet. Be sure to consult your doctor to get a correct diagnosis, but if the solution is as simple as limiting certain foods, you can enjoy the easy solution!

13+ foods to eat that help fight muscle aches and pains Thu, 08 Feb 2024 14:14:53 +0000 Exercise-induced muscle soreness, often called delayed-onset muscle soreness or DOMS, can be caused by overexertion or improper stretching or modification to your exercise routine. The discomfort of DOMS can inevitably interfere with exercise consistency, adherence, and progress.

Stretching isn’t the only way to soften the physical blow. Many nutrient-dense foods can help prevent muscle soreness, especially those rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium.

1. Banana
One banana contains about 10% of the recommended daily intake of potassium and can help prevent muscle cramps and pain. Bananas are also rich in magnesium and calcium.

2. sweet potatoes
Another potassium-rich food that can help neutralize muscle pain is sweet potatoes. A medium sweet potato contains more potassium than a banana.

3. turmeric
Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant compounds and can be absorbed in several ways. If added regularly to water and meals or taken as a supplement, the spice can help treat muscle pain.

4. Salmon
Omega-3s fight inflammation and salmon contains abundant fatty acids. The balance of healthy fats, protein, potassium, sodium and antioxidants makes fish a muscle-restoring food.

5. Cheese
Cottage cheese is not only rich in casein and whey proteins known to aid muscle recovery, but also sodium electrolytes. Although it is often taken alone, it can be easily combined with anti-inflammatories such as fruits.

6. Manuka Honey
Manuka honey can be added to cottage cheese, keeping in mind that this antimicrobial helps reduce inflammation. This medicinal food also contains amino acids and four coelectrolytes.

7. olive oil
The antioxidant oleocanthal, which acts similarly to the over-the-counter medication ibuprofen, is always present in olive oil. Olive oil also contains an anti-inflammatory fatty acid called oleic acid.

8. Leafy vegetables
Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale are rich in calcium and magnesium. Whether eaten raw or cooked, vegetables can help relax muscles.

9. eggs
Amino acids, found in protein-rich foods such as eggs, are known to promote protein synthesis and post-workout recovery. A large egg contains about 6 grams of protein.

10. Cherry juice pie
Although many berries contain high antioxidant properties that can fight inflammation, cherries contain muscle-regenerating compounds known as anthocyanins. The highest concentration is found in black cherry juice.

11. Watermelon
Since hydration plays an essential role in muscle recovery, watermelon is a food that helps achieve this goal. Composed of more than 90% water and rich in potassium, this sweet fruit can help reduce muscle pain.

12. Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds, such as sunflowers and almonds, are rich in magnesium. Walnuts also contain omega-3 fatty acids that are said to reduce inflammation.

13. ginger
Ginger is another spice known to fight inflammation and relieve pain. Like turmeric, it can be used to flavor foods and drinks or taken as a dietary supplement.

11+ foods that are beneficial for getting a full night’s rest Thu, 08 Feb 2024 14:12:13 +0000 There is no magic cure for insomnia and there is no food that can instantly knock a person out, but there are foods that help produce the hormones and body chemicals needed to initiate sleep. Difficulty sleeping can also be caused by vitamin deficiencies, stress levels, and a host of other issues.
It is important to determine what the body is missing and how much it needs because each person is different. Never take vitamin supplements without first consulting a qualified doctor.

1. tea
Chamomile tea contains apigenin, a chemical that affects certain brain receptors responsible for drowsiness. Lavender tea not only helps you relax, but it can also reduce anxiety. Many teas, such as green tea, are advertised to help with insomnia, but check with your doctor before incorporating tea into your bedtime routine because some teas contain caffeine or may interact negatively with medications.

2. Warm milk
Milk (warm or not) contains tryptophan, which can cause drowsiness. However, it doesn’t contain much, so the physical result of simply feeling sleepy may be suitable for those with low tryptophan levels. Warm milk is considered more effective in promoting sleep as a psychological response because drinking it can remind you of a childhood in which a parent gave milk before bedtime.

3. A bowl of whole grains
Although milk contains a low level of tryptophan, the carbohydrates in cereals help the body absorb more tryptophan. Carbohydrates by themselves can make a person feel tired.

4. Turkish sandwich
Like a bowl of cereal, the carbohydrates in the bread help activate the tryptophan in the turkey. Don’t eat a whole sandwich before bed, but half a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread an hour before is enough to be effective.

5. cherry
Cherries are one of the few food sources of natural melatonin, a hormone that the body secretes when there is low light and it is time to sleep. Drink a cup of tart cherry juice an hour before bed.

6. Lentils
Lentils are rich in magnesium and potassium, both useful for a good night’s rest. However, too much magnesium can interfere with some medications, so check with your doctor to determine how much is safe to take.

7. Bananas
Bananas contain a trio of sleep stimulants: tryptophan, magnesium, and potassium.

8. almonds
Almonds contain a high percentage of magnesium. Almond milk is easily available in grocery stores, so if you want to opt for hot milk, consider almond milk as an alternative. If you don’t like crunchy nuts, try eating a tablespoon of almond butter.

9. Peanut butter
Peanut butter and crackers are an easy snack to make. Peanut butter contains tryptophan, while cookies contain carbohydrates to help absorb tryptophan.

10. pineapple
Some fruits increase the level of melatonin in the body and pineapple tops the list. Bananas and oranges also increase hormone levels, but much less than pineapples.

11. Cheese and crackers
Anyone want more tryptophan? Per gram, cheddar cheese contains as many amino acids as one gram of turkey, AARP notes. Add carbs to your cookies and you’ll be ready for bed.

9 foods to eat to combat heartburn Thu, 08 Feb 2024 14:09:41 +0000 When you suffer from heartburn, it may feel like the inside of your abdomen is on fire, but the root of the problem is in the esophagus, the tube that connects your throat and stomach. When stomach acid irritates the esophagus, it produces a burning sensation. Other symptoms may include chest pain and cough.
Since stomach acid is the cause of irritation, help combat it by eating foods with less acid. One way to determine acidity is to look at the pH level of foods. The lower the pH, the more acidic the food will be. For example, lemons and limes have a low pH. Look for foods with an average pH of five or higher.

1. Oatmeal and oatmeal
Oats have a neutral pH, meaning they fall in the middle of the scale. It also contains fiber and can absorb acid in the stomach, reducing its reflux into the esophagus.

2. Whole wheat bread
Like oats, whole grains have a neutral pH and should not upset your stomach. When purchasing bread to combat heartburn, make sure it is whole wheat, not whole wheat. Whole grain means the grain has not been processed, which helps treat acid reflux.

3. Potatoes
Tubers have a low level of acidity, except for onions. Try baked potatoes or simple baked potatoes along with grilled fish.

4. fish
Fish has low acidity and can combat heartburn, but only if prepared in a certain way. Boiled, baked and grilled fish are good; Not fried fish. Keep seafood away from fatty oils and avoid thick sauces.

5. Broccoli and green beans
Most vegetables are low in acid, such as broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, squash, and asparagus. Those that are not low usually have a neutral pH. Fruit, on the other hand, tends to decrease at higher levels, so limit your fruit consumption if you are prone to heartburn.

6. egg whites
Egg whites do not contain as much fat as yolks. The fat in the yolk can cause acid reflux. An omelet with egg whites can be just as filling as one made with yolk, especially when combined with all the low-acid vegetables you want.

7. Bananas and apples
Not all fruits increase stomach acid. Non-acidic fruits such as bananas, apples, watermelons, and pears contain less natural acid. Add sliced fruit to your morning oatmeal for extra nutrients and fill your stomach without heartburn.

8. ginger
In other countries, ginger has been used for medicinal purposes for a long time, and with good reason. The spice appears to help reduce the effects of heartburn and is a natural anti-inflammatory. Add ginger to your juice or drink high-quality ginger tea. Look for real ginger in the ingredients.

9. Lean meat without skin
The word “lean” is key to avoiding heartburn when eating meat. Lean, skinless meat does not contain fats that can irritate the stomach. It is important to avoid frying meat in heavy oil. Grill, bake, broil, or steam the meat and then add it to the stir-fry.

7 home remedies to try when feeling tired all the time Thu, 08 Feb 2024 14:07:43 +0000 Do you find it difficult to get through the day without yawning? Does your body need extra rest? What can you do to feel more rested and have more energy to better face the day?
You don’t even need to leave the house to feel better. The seven remedies listed below are sure to give you some boost, and getting more energy may be easier than you thought.
University Health Press says yoga is ideal for helping treat fatigue caused by fibromyalgia, anxiety, or depression. However, it is not limited to people with health problems. Those who are healthy but suffer from chronic fatigue can find relief by practicing yoga.

2. Warm milk
Drinking warm milk before bed can increase your chances of getting a good night’s sleep. WebMD notes that doctors and scientists aren’t exactly sure why it works, but people who have used this tip say it actually helps them sleep. If you’re exhausted because you’re having trouble sleeping, or for any other reason, try a cup of warm milk before turning out the lights.

3. Power nap
Sometimes all your body needs is a little energy. According to the National Sleep Foundation, taking a 20- to 30-minute nap will give you the alertness you need to take on the rest of the day.

4. Energy snacks
When you feel tired, snacking is a common way to try to stay awake. Unfortunately, many people at this stage eat comfort foods. WebMD recommends eating energizing snacks. Eat foods high in protein and fiber and low in carbohydrates.

5. Exercise
While this may seem counterintuitive, if you’re feeling tired, you may need to start an exercise regimen. WebMD shares that regular exercise increases energy and reduces fatigue. Start slowly and practice a reasonable amount; This should definitely be on your list of tips.

6. caffeine
Limiting or eliminating caffeine intake may be appropriate if caffeine interferes with sleep and causes fatigue. Medical News Today recommends consuming caffeine in moderation.

7. Diet
What you eat affects your energy. Start your day with breakfast and eat three meals a day to combat fatigue, advises Medical News Today. Avoid junk food and crash diets and instead eat a balanced diet to keep your energy level high.

Tiredness should not hinder your steps throughout the day. Try these tips to regain your energy and get your stride back.

6+ benefits of drinking warm water on an empty stomach Thu, 08 Feb 2024 14:04:33 +0000 Water is essential for all life on Earth and is a critical component of healthy living. However, according to a Harvard study, many Americans don’t drink enough water, Mercola reports, which can lead to a host of problems including poor concentration, muscle aches, and bad breath.

The recommended amount may seem surprising to most people. WebMD recommends between 1/2 ounce and 1 ounce per pound weighed. For a 150-pound person, that would equate to about a gallon of water per day. Those who are more physically active, drink dehydrating beverages (like coffee), or eat a lot of salty foods should drink more to compensate. In fact, Sheila Tucker, a nutritionist at Boston College, recommends not waiting until you’re thirsty before going to class.

While water is better than nothing, hot water, especially on an empty stomach, will do more than quench your thirst. Here are five benefits of drinking a cup of hot water instead of a cup of ice water.

1. Relieves nasal congestion
Because hot water releases steam, the vapors created by the heat can help relieve clogged or irritated sinuses.

2. Increases metabolism
Warm water in the morning will “boost your metabolism” and help burn fat tissue, says Lifehack. If a regular cup of hot water doesn’t sound appealing to you, you can also add lemon for an extra kick.

3. Relieves menstrual pain
The heat of the water increases blood flow and helps relax muscles for an overall calming effect. Medical Daily also recommends drinking warm water to help treat muscle spasms.

4. Wellbeing
Not only does boiled water contain fewer opportunistic bacterial organisms than cold water, but drinking hot water can help your natural defenses fight infections. Warm water increases circulation and reduces mucus in the sinuses and throat, making it difficult for opportunistic infections to grow, Dr. Michael Wald, director of nutritional services at Integrative Medicine and Nutrition, told Live Strong.

5. Help for the digestive system
According to Medical Daily, hot water helps break down and remove oils from food. The site adds that drinking warm water in the morning on an empty stomach also helps maintain regularity. Also try adding lemon as the acidity of lemon also helps with digestion.

6. Natural detox
Hot water is a natural detoxifier. It increases body temperature and promotes blood circulation, helping the body to naturally eliminate impurities and waste through sweat and secretions.

7. Soothe your throat
Warm water is especially helpful if you have a cough or sore throat. The high temperature helps warm the vocal cords.

8. Relieves constipation
Drinking warm water also helps relieve constipation. Warm water helps the intestines contract, making it easier for the body to get rid of old waste.

9. Improves central nervous system function
Water is essential for survival and when we don’t drink enough or become dehydrated, our bodies and minds suffer. Drinking water, hot or cold, can help improve brain function and mood.

Battle muscle cramps with these 7 home remedies Thu, 08 Feb 2024 13:59:19 +0000 Whether you are exercising or sleeping, when a muscle spasm occurs, the pain can be unbearable. Sometimes your movements can be completely immobilized by a tight muscle and you won’t be able to do anything until the spasm goes away.

Sometimes muscle spasms can seem impossible to resolve. You may have tried massaging, stretching, and drinking sports drinks, but you still can’t find relief. Check out these seven ways to relieve cramps.

1. Heating pad. For some muscle spasms, heat is an effective way to relieve the spasm. The Mayo Clinic recommends using a heating pad on the muscle or applying ice, if that’s best.

2. Winter oil. To help stimulate blood and relieve pain, Reader’s Digest Best Health recommends massaging a mixture of 1 part wintergreen oil and 4 parts vegetable oil into the area of muscle spasm. Avoid heat when using the mixture as it may burn your skin.

3. Epsom salt. Taking a warm bath can help relax all your muscles. Reader’s Digest Best Health says you can add half a cup of Epsom salt to your water for extra relief.

4. Vitamin B complex. The Mayo Clinic recommends increasing your intake of vitamin B complex because you may be deficient.

5. Water. If cramps tend to occur during exercise, Reader’s Digest Best Health says you should drink two cups of water before exercising. Dehydration often causes cramps, so be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

6. Mustard. eDrugSearch offers a rather unusual treatment. Taking a teaspoon of mustard orally is said to provide very quick relief. The theory is that mustard increases pressure on the nerves in the mouth so that pain receptors cannot communicate with the brain.

7. Pickle juice. People’s Pharmacy recommends taking a teaspoon of pickle juice at the onset of a cramp. It could be the sodium in the pickle solution or the overload of the nerves that helps, just as mustard relieves spasticity.

When cramps appear, desperation may push you to try something unusual. Try one of these tips and see if you find your new favorite solution to muscle cramps.

6 home remedies for fatty liver disease Thu, 08 Feb 2024 13:56:54 +0000 Fatty liver disease is simply the buildup of fatty tissue in liver cells. It can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption, but it can also be caused simply by liver stress from consuming too much sugar or refined carbohydrates, weight, or other health problems.

If you suffer from fatty liver disease, you should not despair. You can do several things to help reverse fat accumulation. Try the following six home remedies to see if they can make a difference for you.

1. Reduce Carbs Carbohydrates are delicious and easy for the body to digest, but the Healthline website indicates that this type of sugar is harmful for fatty liver disease. Instead, try switching to a low-carb, Mediterranean, or low-glycemic diet.

2. Eat healthy. In addition to reducing carbs, you should consume foods that promote liver health. The Mayo Clinic recommends a diet rich in nuts, vegetables and whole grains.

3. Lose weight. If you are overweight, both Healthline and the Mayo Clinic recommend losing it. Reducing calorie intake and increasing activity is essential to achieve this goal.

4. Reduce blood cholesterol. Controlling blood cholesterol is an important step to take. A low fat diet will help. Use healthy oils for cooking: Healthline recommends omega-3 fatty acids.

5. Control your diabetes. If you have diabetes, the Mayo Clinic says you should exercise good control of the condition. Monitor your insulin levels and follow your diet carefully.

6. Be careful with your liver. If you already suffer from fatty liver disease, we strongly recommend that you stop consuming alcohol and consult your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medications or herbal remedies. Don’t subject this vital organ to unnecessary stress.

Fatty liver disease is not the end of the world; It can be reversed if detected in time. Be sure to seek medical help to obtain a correct diagnosis and develop a self-management plan. With discipline, you may be able to reverse the disease and regain control of your life.

7+ ways to heal calluses at home Thu, 08 Feb 2024 13:54:59 +0000 Wearing sandals and flip-flops during the summer means you will get calluses. Ill-fitting shoes rub the same area repeatedly and eventually create calluses.
Once a callus forms, additional layers can be added, making it painful. Removing calluses is the only way to keep your feet looking good. Below are some ways to treat calluses.

1. Hot water. The first line of defense, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, is to soak your feet in warm water to soften calluses. Let it soak for 5 to 10 minutes before attempting to remove the calluses. You can use a file or sandpaper specifically designed to remove calluses after soaking.

2. Apple cider vinegar. If warm water isn’t enough to soften your skin, Healthline says you can add apple cider vinegar to the solution. Make 4 parts water to 1 part vinegar. The vinegar acts as an additional softening agent.

3. Baking soda. Baking soda paste can be used to massage calluses. HowStuffWorks recommends adding enough water to the baking soda to form a paste.

4. Castor oil. Healthline combines emollient and moisturizing in one step by adding castor oil to water before soaking. Add 5 tablespoons of castor oil to warm water.

5. Pumice stone. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a pumice stone to remove calluses. Use it after soaking your corns to soften them first. The academy also recommends wetting the stone with warm water before using it. Rub in circular motions.

6. Lemon juice. By combining lemon juice with aspirin, HowStuffWorks says you get the benefit of the acid, which softens calluses. Crush five or six aspirin tablets and add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the paste to your calluses and wrap it in a plastic bag. Wait 10 minutes before using a pumice stone to scrape away calluses.

7. Moisturizing. To prevent and treat calluses, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends moisturizing the area. Use a moisturizer containing salicylic acid, urea, or ammonium lactate for best results.

8. Pillow. According to Reader’s Digest for Best Health, once the calluses are removed, you will need to use a filler on the area where the calluses formed to prevent them from returning. Wear cushioned socks and shoes that have adequate cushioning and fit well.

9. Vinegar. If you don’t want to get your feet wet, HowStuffWorks says you can soak a cotton ball in vinegar and stick it on your calluses. Leave it overnight until it works its magic.

Say goodbye to your calluses. These treatments can help you get rid of it quickly and keep it at bay.
